Dare to Question the Gender Binary

"We are stuck in one body, would be better off in another. But still can't see a solution in surgery either, so we remain something different. But as we still can't express much of our identity through this physical form, there seems to be few ways we actually can live in reality. And as a perfectionist, we can't cross dress or anything, as that would not reflect our true self either. Still, most of the trouble comes from human society. Without the constant pressure to "fit in", we doubt that this error in gender would stop us from being ourselves openly.“

- An Annoymous Post-Gendered Blogger

Post Genderisim is the notion that the gender binary, the idea that there are only two genders, is both inherently false and oppressive.

This website was created with the intention of explaining the history of the creation of the gender binary as well as the progression of those who dared to challenge it. The subsequent pages  address three topics. First you will find an explanation as to why the gender binary is so engrained in western culture. Decriptions of societies that encorporated more than three gender identities into their cultures are then presented to counter the notion of the gender binary is the only valid way for gender roles and identities to develop. The last set of pages is dedicated to ways in which the gender binary can be challenged, reasons for this challenge, and problems that arose from it. Unless otherwise stated, the last section of deals only with Post-Genderism in the United States of America.